Browser Forensic Tool 2

Browser Forensic Tool 2

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Browser Forensic Tool 2

Phrozen Browser Forensic Tool is a security application that you can use for checking different browsers you use including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Comodo Dragon, RockMelt and Opera.


The application will create a report for navigation history by keywords and make a matching with malicious words that allow security analyst a way to extract the information during a forensic analysis. This is useful for not making a program for each browser but you will have in single interface all information you need about web browsers.

The tool usage is simple you just need to install the application and run a scan and it will list all visited web pages that contain suspicious words, you can also customize the keywords according to your need. The profiles include keywords such as LOIC, DDoS , Anonymous , anonop, hack , malware , Zeus, spyey and more.

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