div style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter size-medium” ” src=”https://image.ibb.co/gOGkKJ/Screenshot_5.png” alt=”jspy” width=”718″ height=”612″ style=”display:none”>
jSpy RATS remote administration tool, encoded in pure java. This means that you can infect and from all operating systems, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux until the java JRE is installed. Fortunately, Java is installed by default in the Mac and the need for other operating systems to take full advantage of resources on the Internet, which means that you will find it rare for the user not to have installed java. In addition, if you use java drive-by then target audience, which in any case is java.
-The launch of Linux is not implemented.
-Templates temporarily disabled.
-You should like UDP port forward + TCP to the port you want to use[adinserter block=”1″]jSpy uses a library called “Kryonet”, which was developed by Esoterica Software, using this library to work on the network, jSpy creates conditions for using TCP sockets where you can be sure that you will not lose your customers.
jSpy currently has all the basic functions required:
-Open a website
-Open a website (hidden)
-Download and run
-HTTPPOST Floodshttps://blankhack.com/skywyder-rat-cracked-2/
-Fast Connection / Disconnect From Floods
-The message window
-On the start of the team
-Screen Capture
-Webcam capture
-Manager processes
-Live keylogger
-CMD / Terminal Access
-Disconnecting the computer
-Auto loading
-Starts hidden on all operating systems (Not java on the taskbar / dock)
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jabber: [email protected]