Loki Stealr V 5 Final Release

Loki Stealr V 5 Final Release


Loki Stealr


23 MB





Loki Stealr V5 Final Release is the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, malware remains a formidable adversary. Among the countless malware strains, one name that has earned notoriety in recent years is LokiStealer. This malicious software, also known as LokiBot or LokiPWS, has made a significant impact on the cybersecurity world. In this article, we will delve into the world of LokiStealer, exploring its origins, functionality, and the threats it poses to individuals and organizations.



The Origins of LokiStealer

LokiStealer first emerged in 2015 as a password and information-stealing Trojan horse. It was initially designed to target Windows-based systems and was primarily distributed through spam emails and malicious attachments. Over the years, LokiStealer evolved and adapted to various attack vectors, making it a versatile and potent threat.


LokiStealer’s primary function is to collect sensitive information from infected systems, exfiltrating this data to command and control servers operated by cybercriminals. Its capabilities can be divided into the following key features:

  1. Keylogging: LokiStealer is a proficient keylogger, recording keystrokes made by the victim. This allows it to capture login credentials, credit card information, and other sensitive data entered on the infected system.
  2. Data Theft: The malware can extract data from web browsers, email clients, and instant messaging applications. This includes saved passwords, browser history, and chat logs.
  3. Clipboard Monitoring: LokiStealer can monitor the system clipboard, capturing any data copied by the user. This includes anything copied, such as passwords, sensitive text, or cryptocurrency wallet addresses.
  4. Screenshots: The malware is equipped to take screenshots of the infected system’s desktop at specific intervals. This feature helps cybercriminals gather information visually, potentially exposing confidential documents or sensitive images.
  5. Email Theft: LokiStealer can target email clients to steal email login credentials and access the victim’s inbox, allowing cybercriminals to further their malicious activities.
  6. Remote Access: In some variants, LokiStealer includes a backdoor component that allows attackers to take remote control of an infected machine, potentially for further malicious activities.


LokiStealer spreads through various distribution methods, including:

  1. Email Phishing: Cybercriminals send spam emails with malicious attachments or links. Unsuspecting recipients who open these attachments or click on the links inadvertently download and execute LokiStealer.
  2. Exploit Kits: LokiStealer can be delivered through exploit kits that take advantage of vulnerabilities in the victim’s software or browser. These vulnerabilities are exploited to download and install the malware silently.
  3. Malicious Websites: Visiting compromised or malicious websites can lead to drive-by downloads, resulting in the infection of the user’s system with LokiStealer.
  4. Social Engineering: Some versions of LokiStealer have been known to use social engineering techniques to deceive users into downloading and executing the malware, often disguised as legitimate software or files.

1.New Cookie Format
2.Improved collection of user agents
3. In the name of the files, there is the name and profile of the browser
4. Added new items to system information
5. In the password log you can see from which browser and profile they are
6.Improved recursive collection
7. Minor code changes

  1. Go to settings.cs
  2. We change the panel to yours, we are waiting to assemble
  3. Your build will be in the bin/debug folder

1.Upload the panel files to the web server

  1. Create a database
  2. We go to our website, there will be an installer, we drive in the database data, the username for the panel and the future password

One caveat, for the c ++ panel

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Loki Stealr V 5 Final Release

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